Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Trader Joe's

Yesterday, Becka and I went to Trader Joe's, because I really needed to get groceries. She's been a great friend to have around for running errands and keeping me productive. This is because those are, and I quote, "The highlights of [Becka's] day!" Maybe if she had a blog to work on, she wouldn't be so excited to do things like going grocery shopping and watching me clean my house. Anyways, we walked through the store, and I picked out a bunch of stuff I needed, and we commented on things that looked neat or delicious or whatever. You know, grocery conversations. I would like to remind you of how amazing Trader Joe's selection of things is. Their freezer section ALONE is enough to induce euphoria. Although Becka expressed interest in multiple things, the one thing that she was actually excited to buy, out of ALL things Trader Joe's carries, was this:
Yes, it's soap.
Our conversation about it went like this:
Me: Yay, they have those facial cleansing pads I wanted!
Becka (picking up the soap): Is this just...soap? Like, just plain soap and nothing else??
Becka: Oh my gosh! I'm buying this!

Of all things, Rebecca. 

Maybe if Becka had a blog, she could write about how excited she is about this soap. Maybe then, I'd understand!


  1. Man...Rebecca Strautman is so crazy! It would be so much easier to understand her if she had her own talkshow! Or, I dunno, wrote a blog!

  2. Once I was in a grocery store and saw a product called "beard lube". The end.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. See? Laura wins. Perhaps SHE should start a blog! Or update her existing one...

    (Sorry, I posted this already and deleted it. I am OBVIOUSLY not capable of dealing with something as mentally taxing as a blog, you guys!)

  5. Hi Miriam, this is Andrew! Here is Rebecca's first real entry:

    "Dear Diary, Today I heard a song about hawwwses. It was different from a song I know about hosses. That is because they are sung in two different accents. I am still 23 and still live with 2 cats and am unemployed even though I am a grown woman. LOVE Rebecca!"

  6. Hi Andrew, this is Rebecca! I read your comment. I appreciate your comment. Thank you for contributing to putting my super boring life onto the internet.

  7. You should keep writing on your amazing blog. It is fascinating.
